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Sports Psychology

Middle school, high school, college, and professional athletes face very unique challenges, especially in today’s world.

They're experiencing intense pressure amidst the rapidly growing competition, social media influence, costs, time-commitments, and mental and physical demands involved in sports. As such, most athletes know that sports are just as much a mental game as they are a physical game. No matter how strong you are physically, if your mental wellness isn’t solid, it’s inevitable that you won’t be able to perform at your best.

As an athlete, it's common to experience self-doubt, self-criticism, comparing yourself to others, anxiety, fear of failing/messing up, and mental blocks. On top of this, you’re definitely facing the inevitable physical challenges of competing, including muscle soreness and exhaustion. If you’re not adequately resting, eating healthy, hydrating, stretching, and warming up, it’s possible that you’re dealing with fatigue, headaches, irritability, lightheadedness, nausea, tension, or injuries. If these mental and physical struggles are left unaddressed, you risk hurting yourself and not reaching your athletic performance goals.

It’s not always easy admitting you need help or reaching out for support. 

Others may even minimize or dismiss what you’re experiencing, thinking that you have it made as an athlete. I’ve been there as an athlete myself. You might be used to pushing through and getting by on your own. It’s gotten you this far, and you’ve probably been very successful. However, everyone, including the pros, reaches a point in their life and athletic career when they need support. This is NORMAL.

Mental health counseling and sports psychology can help you strengthen your mental and emotional wellness, thereby supporting your physical athletic performance. My approach incorporates sports psychology-informed tools and strategies for improving confidence, emotion regulation, and the mental skills needed for becoming a high-performing athlete.

Mental health counseling & sports psychology can help you with:

  • Attitude and mindset
  • Personal motivation
  • Goal setting and commitment
  • Communication
  • Mental skills, such as imagery and meditation
  • Positive self-talk
  • Managing performance anxiety
  • Emotional regulation
  • Concentration

You can achieve:

  • A deeper understanding of how your mental wellness impacts your performance
  • New ways of thinking and communicating
  • Improved self-advocacy and self-care
  • Increased energy and motivation
  • Stronger confidence and skills for managing your emotions
  • Visualization and mindfulness techniques
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Quicker recovery from injuries and setbacks